Course curriculum

  • 1

    Introduction & Setup

  • 2

    Python Coding Fundamentals

    • Math Operators

    • Strings

    • Variables & Variable Naming Rules

    • Our First Program

    • Type, Len, Str, Int, Float, Functions

    • True Or False Boolean

    • IF Statement

    • IF & ELSE

    • Using ELIF For Multiple Statements

    • While Loop

    • Infinite Loops With Break

    • Using Continue In A Loop

    • FOR Loop

    • Importing Python Libraries

  • 3


    • Defining Functions In Python

    • Local & Global Variables

    • Coding Guess The Number Program

    • Reverse A String Function

    • Calculate The Area Of A Circle Program

    • Simple Python Calculator

    • Removing Vowels From A String Program

    • Locate The Largest Number Out Of Three

  • 4

    Lists, Tuples, & Dictionaries

    • Python Lists

    • Creating Smaller Lists Out Of A Larger One

    • Manipulating Lists & Elements

    • Append, Insert, Remove, Sort

    • Tuples

    • Introduction To Dictionaries

    • Values, Keys, Items, Get

    • Dictionary Comprehension (Part 1)

    • Dictionary Comprehension (Part 2)

    • Advanced String Manipulation

    • Upper(), lower(), isupper(), islower()

    • Split, Strip, Join, Startswith, Endswith

  • 5

    Files In Python

    • Navigating Through The System With OS Library

    • Reading & Writing To Files

    • Reversing Text From A File

  • 6

    Error Handling

    • Try And Except

    • Try And Finally

  • 7

    Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)

    • Classes

    • Changing Class Attributes

    • Built In Class Attributes

    • Utilizing Your Class In A Different Program

    • Utilizing Your Class In A Program

    • Implementing Students Count Option

    • Class Inheritance

    • Overriding Methods In A Class

  • 8

    Date & Time

    • Printing & Calculating Date And Time

    • Different Date Formats

  • 9

    Regular Expressions

    • Extracting Useful Data

    • Regex (Part 1)

    • Regex (Part 2)

  • 10

    Interacting With HTTP

    • Performing HTTP GET Requests

    • Performing POST Requests

    • Handling Website Redirections

    • Beautiful Soup

    • Encoding In Requests

    • Session Objects & Cookies

    • SSL Certificates, Authentication, Etc.

    • JSON Library & Proxies

  • 11

    Networking In Python

    • Socket Terminology

    • Connecting Two Machines

    • Creating A Chat Program

    • Receiving Desired Amount Of Data

    • Socket Timeout & Options

    • UDP Server & Client

    • AF_UNIX & Raw_sockets

  • 12


    • Introduction To Threading

    • Theory Behind Threaded Server

  • 13

    Emails, PDF, & Images

    • Using SMTPlib To Send Emails

    • PDF Files

    • Images In Python